Vaughan Wiles

Born in Southern Rhodesia and raised in South Africa, Wiles attaches no blame to the fine institutions that struggled to educate him—Highbury, Michaelhouse and Natal University.  For most of his career he worked as an economist and international marketing specialist based in Johannesburg, London and New York.  

The hunt for his true mission has taken him around the world, encompassing motorcycle hill-climbing, flying, hang-gliding, scuba diving, economic forecasting, skiing, logging, riding, entrepreneurship, welding, invention, and repairing farm machinery. The search continues…Wiles employs humor, action, romance, and irreverence to engage the reader. He relishes the process of creating characters whose lovable or loathsome qualities propel them to their respective fates–happiness or misery, joy or disillusionment, salvation or destruction.

Wiles and his family live on Amity Farm, a beautiful equestrian refuge in Warwick, NY, home to twenty horses and their enthusiastic riders.


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