​​​​​”Nothing like gin and kippers to get the morning off to a cracking start,” were his parting words as he thrust his hand forward into Leatherby’s, slammed the Rover’s door, and pointed its large black snout down the driveway, confidently steering his new machine into the early redness of the warm Natal dawn”

Young Nelson Leatherby is passionate about powerful motorcycles and fine cars, but women completely confuse him.  Lord Soufflé is a story of personal discovery…of comical frustrations, romantic disappointments and delightful victories.  He sets out for London, and is soon joined by an old acquaintance, Rafferty Farnsworth, a charming scoundrel who arrives with the Mafia in hot pursuit.

Nelson is soon drawn into the resulting turmoil, finding himself surrounded by powerful men and exotic women, in action which moves briskly across Europe.  Nelson’s romantic and social ambitions are fulfilled at an intense pace, moving well beyond his wildest dreams.

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